Newsletter 10-25-13

Superintendent’s Newsletter 
Jay Cummings, Ed.D. Superintendent

October 25, 2013

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members,

Octoberfest at South Grafton Elementary School always reminds me that winter is right around the corner. Octoberfest took place last Saturday and it was a huge success! Dozens of volunteers, parents, staff, students, and community members played a critical role in the success of Octoberfest. The leadership and support provided by Erin Dorazio, Dawn Bosland, Kristen Menhall, Jenn Schiappa and Jessica Brooks was invaluable. Thank you to all for such a great day (included photos are from Octoberfest).

In this newsletter I have included some information for you regarding curriculum and testing, facility upgrades, our new communication system, and the budget process.

Curriculum and Testing

This year we have been engaged in the most significant overhaul of our curriculum in well over a decade. This work is a result of Massachusetts being one of seventeen states in the nation that has adopted the common core curriculum standards. These new standards will affect what is taught, when it is taught, and to some degree, how it is taught. Thankfully, the existing Massachusetts curriculum standards are considered the strongest of any state and therefore will require a relatively small shift in content to align with the common core. States that did not previously have a strong curriculum are being forced to make radical changes to their curriculum to align with these new standards. A very basic and short informational video about the move to common core can be found at:

The adoption of new state standards is being paired with a new testing system for students. This spring will mark the final time that MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) is given to students. Moving forward, the state will be utilizing the PARCC test (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers). The details of the new testing system are still being developed, but it looks to include both mid-year and end of year assessments.

Facility Upgrades

Thanks to the town, many of our schools have received much needed facility upgrades in the form of new boilers, water heaters, and univents over the summer. Along with the internal HVAC system upgrades, we sealed the roof at Grafton Middle School, transitioned from oil to natural gas, and created a new parking lot at South Grafton Elementary School. Many thanks to the support of the citizens of Grafton for the financing of these projects.

Communication System

We are in the final phases of implementing the new call system for the school district, PowerAnnouncement. This system is fully integrated with PowerSchool. School closings, principal newsletters, general announcements and other notices will be generated using this new communication system and sent out as voice, email, and/or text messages.
We encourage all parents to log into PowerSchool parent portal and verify the phone numbers and email addresses to receive these different types of calls and messages. Parents are also encouraged to update demographic information on the “Demographic Change” page in the PowerSchool parent portal. This information will keep emergency contact information up to date. For more information, go to the link on our district website:
We will make a test phone call to the families on Wednesday evening, November 5, 2013. If you have any questions please contact Marcia Pereira at

Budget Process Update 
The development of the FY15 budget process is underway. Throughout the coming months, presentations and budget related documents will be posted on my website:

The calendar for the FY15 budget development is as follows:

November 12, 2013 - Budget presentations and discussions with school Committee (school-based budgets, buildings and grounds, textbooks and instructional materials)

November 25, 2013 - Budget presentations and discussions with School Committee (technology, special education)

December 2, 2013 - Budget presentations and discussions with School Committee (staffing)

December 16, 2013 - FY15 Preliminary budget recommendation overview and discussions with School Committee

January 13, 2014 - FY15 Budget hearing

February, 2014 - School Committee attends Board of Selectmen public hearing on FY15 budget

March, 2014 - School Committee attends Finance Committee public hearing on FY15 budget

May, 2014 Town Meeting


  1. why is the budget in greek?

  2. Not sure, working on it now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
